Drop off:
When dropping off a racquet to be serviced:
Please fill out a form as detailed as possible
Take the yellow copy with you and wrap the original form round the grip and place it in the bucket or give it to the front desk staff.
The turn-around is 72 hours. If you need it sooner, email Richard Sanchez
at rsanchez@yonkerstennis.com to discuss the possibility of faster service.
Pick up:
When picking up your racquet:
Bring the yellow copy to the front desk to request your racquet. The front
desk staff will get it for you.
Forms of payment:
Check payable to RSTennis Unlimited
Venmo to Richard Sanchez @RSTennis-Unlimited-19
Zelle to Richard Sanchez Cash
Demo and racquet purchase service:
Unfortunately, our demo program is limited due to difficulties getting certain racquets, however, we’re confident that we’ll get more by the end
of the year.
If you need to purchase a racquet:
Please fill out the racquet purchase section of the form as
detailed as possible.
Take the yellow copy with you and give the original to the
front desk staff.