Learning and performing the YTC competencies are critical during this stage because players will build habits and muscle memory that will last their entire tennis life. Coaches will create competition through games and drills to work on decision making, reading the court and the opponent. Players learn patterns and can control spins and directions. Match play is encouraged.
Players will typically need 75 weeks to advance through the orange system (assuming they play one hour per week = 75 hours).
Learn Orange:
Players will develop an understanding of the correct grips, footwork stances, and swing pathways. Athletic development and a focus on technique are important building blocks for this stage. We highly encourage players to choose a YTC coach and begin private or semi-private lessons to speed up the developmental process.
Orange Crushers:
Expand on athletic skills and detailed technical development. Players need to play tournaments and pursue a basic ranking. Players will work with coaches to
define personal goals and set up a basic training and tournament schedule. Strong emphasis on the competencies along with strategy and mental toughness through games, and drills.
Semi private or private lessons with a YTC coach 1-2x per week is recommended to address technical foundation and make sure players are progressing in
fundamentals and movements to teach controls, spins, build rallies, understanding of moving forward Stances, recognition, and serve correctly
$57 p/hr
6 to 1 Ratio
Monday: 4:00 – 5:00pm
Tuesday: 5:00 – 6:00pm
Wednesday: 4:00 – 5:00pm
Thursday: 4:00 – 5:00pm
Friday: 4:00 – 5: 00pm
Saturday: 2:00 – 3:00pm
Sunday 1:00-2:00pm